Montecristo Cigar Bar offers a world-class experience
Although cigar bars have been a sought-after destination, presently they’re enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Las Vegas has met the demand with Montecristo Cigar Bar at Caesars Palace (866.733.5827). Divided into four areas, the cigar bar offers guests small bites, specialty cocktails and fine whiskeys. Take a seat at the Signature Bar or relax in the Library or The Courtyard, and for larger groups looking to splurge, reserve the 10-seat Vault Room.
Guests can breathe easy with Montecristo’s state-of-the-art ventilation system that ensures the 4,000-square-foot space doesn’t get too overwhelmed. In the Library, relax while enjoying sports on the large video wall made up of nine screens; or take a seat at the bar to play some video poker. Before leaving, pay a visit to the 400-square-foot walk-in humidor that can store up to 1,000 brands. And what goes better with a cigar than a whiskey or cognac? Enjoy a pour of Louis XIII served tableside.
from Poker
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