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Trump's Plan to Challenge the Election-It's Coming

German Police bust poker game in Dortmund; fine those there for violating lockdown orders
We're all dealt in this hand. He's all in. Are we?

Donald Trump must be a horrible poker player. To be honest, I’m guessing he’s never played. You have to have friends to have poker night. But even if he had people to play with he would lose constantly for a very simple reason. He absolutely cannot bluff. It’s not in his nature. Bluffing requires subtlety and misdirection. It requires timing and finesse. It also requires courage. Trump has none of these qualities. He’s an arrogant, belligerent bully, who at his core is a complete coward. This is why he loses all the time. At everything. The only way he can win is to cheat. 

So if we know that bluffing is outside his capabilities, we can listen to what he says knowing that he’s not misleading or misdirecting. He’s either lying outright, to save his skin and/or to aggrandize his self image, or he’s telling the truth. There is ominous comfort in that reality. 

Trump has put mail-in voting in the cross hairs. He’s raised questions about fraud. He’s placed a crony as Postmaster General. He’s indicated he’s not sure if he’ll accept the results of the election. He’s got a weaponized Justice Department that will protect and preserve Donald Trump.

And now Trump has shown the card that tells us what’s in his hand. He’s said he imagines that Russia and China will interfere with mail-in voting. It’s something that’s never happened before, but that’s his alleged concern. Just as when, in a press conference, he gave a nod to Russia’s hacking of the election, he’s doing the same here.

I am convinced there will be some kind of clumsy attempt on the part of Russia or China or some other foreign adversary that will be uncovered either leading up to or in the wake of the election. 

It’s the kind of thing he’s done before. He’s collaborated with foreign actors to sway an election. He has not committed to reject foreign interference this election cycle. He’s told us what he expects to happen. He’s put all his chips on Americans being unwilling to fight for their democratic ideals. We have to be prepared to fight the push to invalidate all mail in ballots. It’s coming. He’s not bluffing. It’s not in his nature. 

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